

20th Century Masters: The Millennium Collection: Best Of Olivia Newton-John
¹ß¸ÅÀÏ: 2005.02.24
2005.02.24 º£½ºÆ® Universal Music Pop Adult Contemporary

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1 Physical (Album Version) Olivia Newton-John ¾Ù¹üÀÖÀ½ µè±â ±¸¸Å ¼±¹°
2 Hopelessly Devoted To You (Soundtrack Version) Olivia Newton-John ¾Ù¹üÀÖÀ½ µè±â ±¸¸Å ¼±¹°
3 Twist Of Fate (Album Version) Olivia Newton-John ¾Ù¹üÀÖÀ½ µè±â ±¸¸Å ¼±¹°